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Mini tours of eastern Sicily

catania4 days / 3 nights









1st day:  Arrival in the morning > Etna and Taormina
In the morning arrival at the airport of Catania and leaving for  the excursion on the mount Etna, the highest volcano in Europe, a real giant dominating and “protecting” the East Sicily. We will arrive at 2000 metres above sea level by travelling over streets that cross lava tongues of ancient eruptions and you will have the possibility to enjoy the breathtaking view of the Ionian coast of Sicily. In the afternoon we will move to Taormina to take a walk in the typical nice little streets. This wonderful town was founded in the IV century B.C. by the Siculi on the Tauro mount. Afterwards it was first a prosperous Greek town and then it fell under the rule of Rome. The most famous monument is the theatre, dating back to the III century B.C.. It belongs to the archaeological heritage of inestimable value and it is a place of incomparable and suggestive scenic beauty.

2nd day: Syracuse >  Noto
Breakfast and leaving to visit Syracuse, the most beautiful and vast Greek colony in Sicily. We will visit the archaeological park of the Neapolis, the monuments of the island of Ortigia with its famous Aretusa Fountain, the Heaven Latomias and the suggestive Dionysus' Ear (whose acoustics produce extraordinary effects). In the afternoon, we will move to Noto, declared property of the humanity by the UNESCO because of its huge artistic heritage and as cradle of Baroque in the southeast Sicily. Not far from Noto is situated the Villa del Tellaro, the remains of a fourteenth-century Roman villa, recently restored  bringing to light the extraordinary mosaic floorings that are interesting for theirs stylistic subtleties


3rd day:  Ragusa > Donnafugata > Modica
Breakfast and leaving for Ragusa, the old town centre Ibla of eighteenth-century mark, that has numerous baroque buildings: the Saint John Cathedral, the Bertini and Cosentini Palaces, the Portal of Saint George. They represent some important examples of the Baroque architecture. We will continue to visit Donnafugata Castle. It was built on an old Arabian-Normal watch-tower according to the baron Arezzo's will in the XIX century. The baron used it as his summer residence, while in recent times it is often used as a cinematographic set. In the afternoon, we will continue on Modica, also called “the town of laces” because of its refined decorated buildings and its baroque churches. Its steep staircase with 250 steps and the wonderful front make the Saint George Church full of charm. Moreover the Saint Peter's Duomo, the Capuchin Monastery and the Mercedari Palace are worth to be visited, as well as the typical pastry shops famous for their good chocolate.

4th day: Catania
Breakfast and tour of Catania, especially: the Cathedral, the Duomo Square, the baroque street of Crociferi, the Collegiata Church, the Benedictine Convent area and the typical fish market (the Pescheria).
Before the leaving, if we have the time, it is possible to dedicate the last moments to the visit of seaside villages of the Ionian coast of Catania, in particular we may enjoy the wonderful view of faraglioni in Acitrezza. They represent a characteristic seaside village and gave Giovanni Verga the inspiration for his novel “I Malavoglia”. We will go on Acireale, the cradle of the baroque of Catania. Saint Sebastian, Saint Peter and Paul Churches and the Cathedral are the pride of the Ionian town.


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our customer our future

An island in the middle of the Mediterranean:

For its central position in the Mediterranean Sea, its remarkable size and its fertile territory, Sicily has always been the best destination for those people who, after having landed on its shores, have settled there and here have remained. These are the reasons for which Sicily has never lost its attraction and interest, and for which it is a place to visit and experience in all its aspects, from the most famous to the less known and predictable . ...continued

Sicily World Heritage Sites

  • Noto
  • Piazza Armerina
  • Etna
  • Eolie
  • Agrigento
  • Siracusa