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 A treasure chest of jewels in the heart of the Mediterranean: SICILY 

For its central position in the Mediterranean Sea, its remarkable size and its fertile territory, Sicily has always been the best destination for those people who, after having landed on its shores, have settled there and here have remained. These are the reasons for which Sicily has never lost its attraction and interest, and for which it is a place to visit and experience in all its aspects, from the most famous to the less known and predictable . Hence, our commitment to offer a wide range of offers and opportunities that will allow, for any time of year, to satisfy curiosity, sensibility, feelings, taste and intelligence of those who are eager to see and learn about Sicily and its many places and features.
Visiting Sicily means you can observe the variety of its coasts that in some places consist of a hard, black volcanic stone of various shapes, in others of a white exotic-looking rock, in others of a soft and fine sand of shaded colors or of richly colored pebbles; coasts that here and there show up decorated with islands of various sizes, but always of ancient beauty.
Visiting Sicily means you can be stimulated by the movement created by its heights, so different despite their apparent uniformity, which are colored in several colors according to the various seasons and by which it is possible to experience the diverse climates, from a purely Mediterranean one, to the continental one , to the alpine one.

Visiting Sicily means you can immerse yourself in a pleasantly exaggerated nature, in which each component wants to offer its best, but can show moments of great delicacy too.
Visiting Sicily means that you can approach its developed and varied culture which is expressed in music, art and literary forms that are, at the same time, peculiar and universal in their reality and originality.
Visiting Sicily means that you can enjoy a cuisine where all this geographical and cultural variety is translated into countless and always genuine meals.
 Visiting Sicily means that you can walk in towns founded, built, decorated by people who have variously succeeded one another throughout history; towns where it is possible to grasp the passing of time by the presence of monuments of different periods, and where it is present the hope of a similar prosperous future.

 With BASULA TOUR, visiting Sicily is all this and more. 

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Sicily World Heritage Sites

  • Etna
  • Piazza Armerina
  • Eolie
  • Noto
  • Agrigento
  • Siracusa