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Jewels of Southern Italy


Our trip will let you discover an area of Italy (Sicily, Calabria, Campania and Rome) which was a crossroads of several populations and cultures which brought economic and artistic flourishing in this part of Italy.a.


15 days/14 nights

1st day,  - Catania - Taormina
Arrival in Catania. Our tour in Sicily starts with the afternoon visit of Taormina, the Ionian “pearl”. The history of this charming town dates back to the period of the ancient and mysterious population called Siculi. After them, the Greeks enlarged and adorned it with wonderful buildings. Romans, Arabians and Normans who then decided to live there because of the favorable geographic position and of its climate, did as much. They left, in fact, a lot of buildings that witness to their presence in the town. The view from the terrace on the Mount Tauro (200 m above sea level) or from the Old Theater is worthy of being enjoyed: it fully satisfies every visitor’s eye. It is just the Old Theater the first leg of our visit of Taormina. After that we will walk along the long and central 800-meters-long Corso Umberto. It is characterized by several little streets crossing it and letting you enjoy the beauty and the singularity of Taormina. The visit of Piazza Vittorio Emanuele and of Piazza IX Aprile will show you the most typical and “social” face of Taormina.
2nd day,  Etna - Catania - Siracusa
After breakfast we will reach Mount Etna, the most active volcano in Europe. While climbing along the streets leading to the top of this stately volcano, you will feel excited by the wonderful landscape enjoyable from everywhere and by its striking naturalistic aspect, that suddenly changes from the Mediterranean vegetation to the Alpine flora until the violence of the dark cooled lava flows which interrupt the wood with their dark colors. We will reach the huts at 1800 meters above the sea level from which it will be possible to climb the highest craters by jeeps and along with professional guides (facultative excursion). Afterwards, we will visit the Etnean villages famous for their production of several varieties of honey that it will be possible to taste to some beekeepers’.  It will be also possible to buy some Etnean gastronomic specialties that will communicate to your palate all the ancient history of this wonderful land. In the afternoon we will reach Catania, the Etnean capital, where we will visit the city center adorned by baroque lava stone buildings, the picturesque and “polyphonic” fish market, the Norman Cathedral, Piazza Università, the charming via Crociferi and Villa Bellini.

3rd day - Siracusa
The visit of Siracusa is a good opportunity to fully dive into the Greek Sicily. The long tour in the archeological area called “Parco della Neapolis”, will let you enjoy the view of the wonderful and famous Greek Theater where the great Greek playwrights’ verses keep on living on. Afterwards, we will visit the close caves, places of hard work and especially the so called “orecchio di Dionisio” (the Dionysus’ ear).  We will see than: the Ieron’s altar, the ill-famed Greek tyrant of Siracusa, the Roman amphitheater and the latomia. We cannot miss the visit of Ortigia, the wonderful and charming island which is still the center and the ancient heart of the town, with its baroque buildings, the beautiful cathedral, the Byzantine castle of Maniace and the panoramic promenade. It is also possible to enjoy the view of Ortigia during an excursion on a boat around the island (facultative).


4th day,  Piazza Armerina -  Agrigento
After the Greek Siracusa we will visit Piazza Armerina and especially the Roman Villa del Casale whose well-preserved mosaics show scenes of Roman life and let the visitor dive into a dimension full of atmosphere. The beauty of this villa stays also in its own aspect that witnesses the old Roman architecture. Afterward, we will leave for Agrigento where it will be possible to enjoy the sunset in the wonderful frame of the temples of the old Greek town.
5th day, Agrigento - Selinunte
After breakfast we will start the visit of Agrigento whose Greek origins are very well-known. Actually, this very old town has become famous because of its charming Valle dei Templi where it is possible to enjoy the view of Greek Temples that are still in good condition. Among them, the Tempio della Concordia fills you with wonder because of the perfect harmony of their intact columns. The Acropolis, the sanctuary of Malaphoros and the ruins of the temples of the Eastern group are also worthy of being visited. On the way to Marsala the visit of a winery will give you the possibility of tasting the “Baccus’s nectar” which is the fruit of this land.   


6th day Marsala > Trapani > Erice
Marsala is a very important town of Western Sicily. It has become famous because of the production of the wine having the same name, but it strikes you also with the beauty of its monuments, its old salt pans, the oil presses and the fish processing. The echo of the Arabian domination can be still perceived in the very name of the town and in their inhabitants’ surnames. Facultative excursion to the island of Mothia is scheduled. Our trip will continue with the visit of Trapani, a town whose origins date back to the ancient and mysterious population of Elimi. After their domination the town has been fortified by the Greeks and enlarged by the Phoenicians. The next stop is in Erice, which has also been founded by the Elimi. From this town, standing on a hill, you can enjoy a wonderful view, but what strikes you is its intact medieval center which is worthy of being visited. We will visit the Cathedral, the Venus of the castle and the museum-town called “Cordici”. After that we will reach a typical pastry shop to taste the typical desserts. Then we will leave for Palermo.

7th day,  Palermo - Monreale - Cefalù
During the visit of Palermo, the capital of Sicily, you will enjoy the Arabian, Norman and Moorish heritage of its monuments. Among them the wonderful Norman Cathedral and the stately Palazzo dei Normanni, the old royal palace now used as the seat of the Regional Government,  are worthy of being appreciated. Within the palace there is the Cappella Palatina where you can find wonderful golden mosaics. In the afternoon we will visit Monreale, famous for its beautiful Norman cathedral decorated with wonderful mosaics and for the inner cloister whose pillars are richly adorned with multicoloured marble tiles. Our last stop will be Cefalù, a maritime charm town wiht a stately Norman cathedral.  


8th day, Messina - Reggio di Calabria
A stop in Messina, the town of the strait, is scheduled. Messina seems to live in a narrow relationship with the sea. In fact, what strikes the visitor is the urban structure of the town that is wholly organized along the coast. After the terrible earthquake of 1908 which totally destroyed it, Messina seems to be risen again from the sea. The beautiful Cathedral with its important campanile is a point of reference for every inhabitant. After Messina, we will sail across the strait and we will reach Reggio Calabria where we will visit the National Museum and the 5th century B.C. bronze statues kept there.

9th day,  Scilla - Capo Vaticano - Tropea
After breakfast in Scilla, a picturesque fishing village, called in this way after the sea monster having the same name, we will visit the area of Chianalea and the Castello Ruffo, rising on the top of a vertical cliff. Then we will reach Capo Vaticano from which we will enjoy a breathtaking view of the strait of Messina and of the Eolian Islands. Next stop in Tropea, the pearl of Calabria and one the most beautiful small village of the Italian coast. We will visit the Cathedral and then we will walk on the main street where it will be possible to taste the typical specialty.


10th day,  Paestum
After breakfast we will go to Paestum, one of the most important Italian archeological site that was called Posidonia under the Greek domination. We will have the opportunity of visiting the very interesting excavations and the wonderful Doric temples whose oldest one dates back to 550 B.C. The most famous, instead, is the Poseidon temple dating back to A.D. 450  which is intact and rises stately on the ground. We will also visit the Archeological Museum of Paestum.


11th day,  Costiera Amalfitana
Before leaving for Amalfi, if we have enough time, we will visit the ruins of the ancient Roman town of Pompei, destroyed by the eruption of the Vesuvio in 79 B.C. We will enjoy the Roman buildings which are still intact and some wonderful frescos.


12th day,  Amalfi
Free day and facultative visit of Capri, one of the most beautiful islands of Mediterranean sea. Capri will strikes you with its naturalistic and architectural attractions and with its fashionable life. The hamlet of Anacapri is also worthy of being visited. It has become famous because of the presence of the residence of the emperor Tiberius and of the villa di San Michele whose reputation is due to the famous Sweden writer and doctor Axel Munthe who lived there. A tour of the island is scheduled and it costs 70/80€.


13th day,  Amalfi - Roma
After breakfast we will leave for Rome, the “eternal town”. We will spend the whole day by visiting some of the most important Roman monuments. The first stop will be the Campidoglio, one of the seven hills of Rome, political and religious center of the town. We will visit the Temple of Giove Ottimo Massimo. Piazza del Campidoglio is very interesting: it has been planned by Michelangelo so that it has become one of the examples of the Renaissance art. We will visit also the Church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli that strikes the visitor with its huge 22 pillars-colonnade. From this hill you can see the Foro Romano, the old centre of Rome, whose settlements border the big Circo Massimo. The next stop will be the Palatino, another of the ancient Roman hills. We cannot miss the visit of the Colosseum, an ancient stone amphitheater which is also the symbol of Rome.   


14th day, Roma
The whole day will be dedicated to the visit of Città del Vaticano, the center of Christianity, seat of the Pope and destination of pilgrims coming from all over the world. The Basilica rises on Saint Peter’s tomb where, in A.D. 324, the emperor Costantino let them build the first basilica. During the Renaissance, thanks to some Popes, the present basilica and the huge surrounding colonnade had been built. We cannot miss the visit of the Musei Vaticani, with the famous Cappella Sistina,  Michelangelo’s masterpiece. Afterwards we will visit the basilica and the square. The visit will last at least 4 hours. Free afternoon.  


15th, Roma, leaving
Breakfast at the hotel. Late in the morning transfer to the airport.


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We love our customer

An island in the middle of the Mediterranean:

For its central position in the Mediterranean Sea, its remarkable size and its fertile territory, Sicily has always been the best destination for those people who, after having landed on its shores, have settled there and here have remained. These are the reasons for which Sicily has never lost its attraction and interest, and for which it is a place to visit and experience in all its aspects, from the most famous to the less known and predictable . ...continued

Sicily World Heritage Sites

  • Piazza Armerina
  • Agrigento
  • Eolie
  • Noto
  • Etna
  • Siracusa