BASULA was the engraved lava stone used to build streets in the sicilian area around Mount Etna.
It was used because of its hardness that made the streets resistant and safe.
Like a shaped stone put on a street, BASULA TOUR wants to be, to travellers, an operator shaping and planning trips to make holiday in Sicily exclusive.
The main points of the activity of BASULA TOUR are:
- Promoting and increasing every initiative concerning tourism in rural and cultural zones of Sicily;
- Developing its activity in obedience of ethical and moral principles putting Person and His preservation at the centre of its interest;
- Developing its activity in obedience of environment, with special attention to the aware usage of environmental resources.
Thanks to the excellent knowledge of the area in which we act, to a careful selection of different tourist activities and to the wide net of links with many operators of the field, we are able to offer a planning of quality and an accurate assistance to travellers interested in our island.
Our main aim is the promotion of the big historical, cultural, natural and artistic heritage of Sicily, not only that of the most acclaimed towns, already destination of organised tours, but also that of the littlest places, full of unexpected richness, worthy to be known and promoted.
BASULA offers to tourists and to all travellers interested in our land, many different ideas for travel and stay, by planning personalised tours, naturalistic excursions, guided visits, car rental and offering qualified assistance.
To the most demanding costumers BASULA offers, on request, a CONCIERGE service, with the purpose of satisfying every demand and of planning personalised trips to make time spent in Sicily worthy and exclusive.
Our data:
società cooperativa a r.l.
Via F. Crispi, 73 - 95039 Trecastagni (Catania) Italy
VAT registration number: IT04571530874
Inscription to Chamber of Commerce Catania n° 304742
Regional Licence n° 550/S11-2009 issued by the Councillor's office of Tourism of the Sicilian Region
Tel +39 345.4564841
Contact-us - URL: